RJOS has extended the call for volunteers to Active and Candidate members for several committee positions including two new committees. The deadline for interested members to apply is midnight Central Standard Time on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.
There are several volunteer opportunities to become involved with RJOS. We need your ideas, the benefit of your experience and wisdom to increase the spectrum of RJOS activities. Volunteer opportunities available can be found online http://www.rjos.org/index.php/about/volunteer-opportunities-available or are listed below. We are seeking applications from only Active and Candidate members at this time. Please select all positions for which you wish to be considered.
Volunteer Opportunities
Mentoring Committee member - 3 positions open Time Commitment: Two-year term
Scientific Committee member - 3 positions open Time Commitment: Three-year term
Membership Committee Chair - 1 position open Time Commitment: Three-year term
Membership Co-Chair - 1 position open Time Commitment: Three-year term
Membership Committee Member - 4 positions open Time Commitment: Three-year term
Professional Development Committee Chair - 1 position open Time Commitment: Three-year term
Professional Development Committee member - Time Commitment: Three-year term
NEW - Development Committee Chair - 1 position open - Time Commitment: Three-year term
NEW - Development Committee member - 3 positions open - Time Commitment: Three-year term
NEW - Communications and Technology Committee Chair - 1 position open - Time Commitment: Three-year term
NEW - Communications and Technology Committee - 3 positions open - Time Commitment: Three-year term
Click here to apply for any of these open positions. Applications for all positions will remain open until midnight Central Standard Time on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.
REMINDER - the deadline to apply for the Treasurer and Member-at-Large openings on the RJOS Board of Directors is Wednesday, January 19, 2022. Leadership position descriptions, the Society's Strategic Plan, and the application form can be found on the RJOS website: http://www.rjos.org/index.php/about/open-rjos-committee-positions.
Thank you,
Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society