2022 Team Physician Consensus Conference – Applications Due February 15th
The AAOS is seeking two members to represent the Academy at the 2022 Team Physician Consensus Conference. Hosted by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the Team Physician Consensus Conference, taking place Sunday and Monday, June 5-6, 2022 in San Diego, CA. This year’s conference will focus on the consensus statement “Mass Participation Events and Tournaments” and identify needful updates to the 2004 edition.
Meeting format
Members must be available to participate in-person on June 5-6, 2022 in San Diego, CA.
Sunday, June 5 7:30 a.m. — Breakfast, networking 8 a.m. — Welcome and introductions by Stanley A. Herring, M.D., FACSM, Chair 8:15 a.m. — Definition, goal, summary 8:45 a.m. — Topics by section, delegate consensus Noon — Lunch 1-5 p.m. — Topics by section, delegate consensus 5:30 p.m. — Exercise break 7 p.m. — Dinner
Monday, June 6 7:30 a.m. — Breakfast 8 a.m. — Welcome and instructions 8:15 a.m. to noon — Topics by section, delegate consensus
Member Responsibilities
ACSM staff will work with the chosen candidate directly to prepare them for the conference.
Each delegate will be required to submit a “homework” assignment in advance of the meeting, on a provided topic. Each delegate will be asked to address it in the context of the latest research, including a literature search/review. New delegates will participate in an introductory call.
Members can also visit the www.aaos.org/cap for more information.